Yogurt Danish

Cream cheese with yogurt paste layered with yogurt paste filling.
Dried mango or orange peel topping is recommended.



  • Frozen Danish Dough / 20 sheets

Yogurt Cream Cheese

  • Cream cheese / 200g
  • Yogurt paste / 20g
  • Granulated sugar / 12g
  • Lemon juice (ingredient) / 1g

Yogurt Filling

  • Water / 130g
  • Yogurt paste / 50g
  • Granulated sugar / 20g
  • Fine snow / 10g
  • Dried mango, orange peel, etc. / 60g


・Yogurt Cream Cheese
1. Mix softened cream cheese at room temperature with granulated sugar, yogurt paste and lemon juice.
・Yogurt Filling
1. Mix Fine Snow and granulated sugar in powder.
2. Mix yogurt paste and water.
3. Add [1] to [2] and mix until dissolved, then heat in a pan until gelatinized, stirring with a spatula.
1. thaw the frozen Danish sheet, form into a diamond shape, and put into a 30°C (86°F) oven for 50 minutes.
2. Brush with egg yolk mixture and squeeze in yogurt cream cheese.
3. Bake at 200℃ for 12 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and fill with yogurt filling and top with dried mango or orange peel.